Probiotics Not Working? Here’s Why…

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Have you tried a bunch of probiotics to fix your bloating, constipation and indigestion, only to end up disappointed? There’s a reason why they didn’t work for you: most probiotics on the market don’t – actually can’t – because they’re not naturally found in your gut.

Commercial probiotic blends that contain Acidophilus, Lactobacillus, and Bifidobacteria, etc. are different than the strains of bacteria in the gut. Same name, but NOT the same probiotic.

What Goes in the Bottle?

Figuring out an effective probiotic formulation takes more than throwing a dozen popular strains into a capsule. It takes years of research to discover the most effective forms, and even longer to see how well they do – or don’t – work together. The key performance indicators of an effective probiotic are:

  1. 100% proven survival rate through the digestive process with high temperatures, stomach acid and digestive enzymes

  2. Ability to colonize. That means that when they arrive at the large intestine, they have to win the competition with bad bacteria for space and nutrients

  3. Encouraging the growth of other types of beneficial bacteria to keep the microbiome in healthy balance

These are called spore probiotics and are specifically designed by nature to survive digestion so they can colonize the gut microbiome. As such there is no necessity for an “enteric-coated” capsule and there shouldn’t be a need for refrigeration!  

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Because I invest in my health, I choose only the best supplements that I know for sure work for me…..AND my clients.

JustThrive Probiotics contain four thoroughly studied strains of powerful spore probiotics: Bacillus Subtilis HU58, Bacillus Indicus HU36, Bacillus Coagulans, and Bacillus Clausii (see PubMed links below) that are guaranteed to:

  1. Survive the digestive process

  2. Significantly reduce diarrhea, bloating, vomiting, abdominal pain, unusual stool frequency

  3. Resist gut health damage from a variety of common antibiotics

  4. Produce 12 protective defenders against harmful bacteria

  5. Create 15 distinct antioxidants - trusted warriors that neutralize the damage created by free radicals – including 5 of the most protective carotenoids known to science: Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin, Beta-Carotene, and Lycopene.

Sounds too good to be true? Here's evidence from my own comprehensive stool analysis conducted on 5 May 2021:

This test, amongst other advanced hormonal tests, was taken on my own accord. This is not a paid advertisement.


This was THE moment of truth for me: to determine if JustThrive’s claims are true.

I was relieved to see that the amounts of beneficial bacteria (in the green column) are plentiful (+3, +4) and the neutral bacteria (yellow column) are kept at bay (+1, +2). These neutral critters can quickly change sides to be dysbiotic (in the red column) if their levels are too high. So I am over the moon to see that no dysbiotic bacteria exist!

Dysbiotic bateria consist of known pathogenic bacteria that have the potential to cause disease in the GI tract. They can be present due to a number of factors including: consumption of contaminated water or food, exposure to chemicals that are toxic to beneficial bacteria; the use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives or other medications; poor fiber intake and high stress levels.

My secretory IgA is also on the higher end of the reference range, which indicates a robust immune function. I cannot tell you how happy I am!


When my gut is happy and healthy, so are my hormone levels, my mood and my brain health. THAT is how important gut health is!

Use my code EH15 for a 15% discount off of JustThrive’s Probiotics today!


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