Ready to MASTER your hormones?

Hi, I’m Emily….

Your functional medicine coach specializing in women’s health! My mission is to help busy women of all ages affected by endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, thyroid disorders, hot flashes, weight gain, fatigue, and other hormonal and gut imbalances to manage their conditions naturally with optimum nourishment, advanced hormonal testing, supplementation and lifestyle adjustments!

 Hormones: why do they matter?

Estrogen and progesterone - our “female” hormones - are tiny chemical messages that are produced mainly in our ovaries.

With our modern diets, hectic lifestyles and chemically-laden toxic environments, these hormones, with cortisol and insulin get thrown off balance, leading to a plethora of symptoms and conditions. These are very common and usually brushed off as “normal”:

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Hair loss (post-pregnancy, peri-menopause/menopause)

  • Peri-menopausal/menopausal weight gain (especially around the belly and hips)

  • Mood swings (irritability, depression)

  • PMS (breast tenderness, acne, painful period cramps, bloating)

  • Ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids

  • Endometriosis, PCOS

  • Headaches, migraines

  • Insomnia / interrupted sleep

  • Hot flashes

    If left unchecked, hormonal imbalances of estrogen, progesterone (even testosterone, cortisol, etc…) may trigger autoimmune disorders, breast/ ovarian/ uterine cancers and infertility.

 How I can help you

No matter what phase of life you are at, it is possible to manage your symptoms naturally and enjoy relief!

As a functional medicine coach, I assess your body as a WHOLE and get to the ROOT CAUSES of your woes.

I love helping busy women like you to identify food and environmental triggers, provide support and guidance to integrate simple and sustainable changes to your nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle.

I do not believe in fad diets. My recommendations will be based on your unique physiology, lifestyle habits as well as emotional state.


“What’s at the end of your fork?”

Some women have problems metabolizing estrogen into their harmless forms because their liver function is compromised. Eating the right foods and supplements at specific times of your cycle to support your liver is the key to preventing breast/ovarian/endometrial cancers and relief of endometriosis, fibroids and breast cysts.

“Fresh wholesome food is medicine.”

Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet that is fresh and unprocessed is crucial to reduce hormonal PMS symptoms like period cramps, backaches, bloating, mood swings, acne and digestive discomfort. With the clever use of spices, fresh food tastes amazing! Your quality of life will improve with symptom-free periods and pain relief.


“Our skin is like a sponge”

Studies show that absorption of chemicals through the skin from cosmetics, perfumes and household cleaning agents can occur without being noticed. These chemicals may act as xenoestrogens (or fake estrogens) resulting in hormonal imbalances, poor gut health and inflammation in ALL human beings.

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“Your cells are always listening.”

— Dr. Mark Hyman

The mind-body connection is very powerful. Taking time out for moderate exercise, meditation, sleep etc. not only boosts your hormones, but also fills your mind with positivity and happiness. The use of top-grade essential oils is the key to unlocking that door.